Tuesday 22 March 2011


This shadow is more subtle than the one below which i prefer. 


I have changed the opacity on this image so the shadow isn't as dark.  

This one i have just added a shadow to the berries. 


More feedback i got was that there was too much information on the posters
and if you are moving on the escalators you wouldn't have time to read it all.
Also before all the posters were the same, now they say different things
therefore making it more like 4D advertising which is what Nat and I wanted to 
do from the start.


Some more feedback that i got was that all the 'In context' designs should be 
in the same style. As i have been doing all my designs using illustrator and photoshop, my designs look
a lot different to Nat's as she has been using only illustrator. I therefore i have 
tried this design of an escalator using no background and tried to make it look more vector based like Nat's 
designs. I think it doesn't work for this design as the detail makes it more clear to 
what the image is. 


In todays final presentation pitch the feedback i got was that there was too much text
on the front of the can. I therefore narrowed it down so there is only the necessary text.
I was also made apparent that in the title of the drink the word 'Goji' looked like two words, Go and ji
so i have split it into two words and put them closer together.

Monday 21 March 2011





This is the can with the smaller type. It has gone from 12pt to 10pt and 9pt. I think the ingredient etc could even go slightly smaller.


We have designed and made some business cards to give to shop keepers to 
promote the drinks being sold in their shop


After feedback on the can, a few people suggested that the type could be small and 
sill legible.



This one of the posters. Its not yet finished i have just been trying variations of the layout.

I am going to print this out and put it around an existing can to see what 
it looks like and if it works well.

Sunday 20 March 2011



I have tried using the same font i used for the drink title
but it made the text too unclear to read therefore i am going to gil sans
as it a lot clearer to read.
I have done a few variations with the type centered to the right and the left. The one
to the left looks the best.
